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Thursday, 21 March 2013


Today's theme is slavery

Discuss with your classmates and collaborating students what you know about slavery.

Do you think that there still are slaves today?

What do you know about slavery?

What do you think?

Can you do something about it?

Ask questions! Is there something you don't understand?


  1. I was interested to see this blog that you have started for collaborative teaching, you are a very inspired person and it would be marvellous to be taught by you.
    As an long retired college lecturer (UK, and not English language or literature, though both are my loves) I was interested in this particular focus on slavery.
    Now this is probably not an area that would interest all students, but Liverpool, close to where I live, has a very strong sense of guilt about the slave trade, though in fact no slaves were 'imported' but the city was involved in the trading and in fact Britain was in the forefront of the fight against slavery through William Wilberforce (very good movie on this called Amazing Grace,I think). Liverpool even has a very good slavery museum.
    I wonder if there is a different slant in looking at the way the countries and the cities involved now feel a responsibility and a guilt. I hope it is not cheeky of me to make suggestions like this.

    1. Thank you for your comment Jez! I'm very glad you find this blog interesting and I appreciate every new idea and perspective that can make this teaching source more interesting and not cheeky at all! :-) It is always good to learn more and get new inspiration! I'll have to find out about the film, which is always good for language learners, to get input in various ways! Thank you!

    2. I forgot the question about other countries' view or sense of responsibility when it comes to slavery. I'm not quite sure about it. I know there are institutions in the US that have taken this issue and made it their primary educational topic. I don't know, if other countries, including the one I live in (Germany) and the one I studied in (Denmark), have similar organisations.
